
Website Author: John Marseglia

This website is an easy to use tool for finding, in my opinion, the most frequently searched Isaac information / mechanics needed during a run

For anything this site does not offer, visit isaacguru.com instead; it has a fantastic interface for item searching, seeing how to unlock things, etc.

Team Meat UI font from user Ottomated on The Modding of Isaac

Info for Pandora's Box and Birthright from The Binding of Isaac Wiki at Fandom and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License

Custom Brimstone cursor from SerenaNugget on Cursor.cc

All other assets belong to The Binding of Isaac: Repentance, Nicalis, Inc., and Edmund McMillen

Full game credits can be found here

Please report bugs and anything you would like to see added to the email isaacquicklookup@gmail.com